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May 29, 2019Dulux VS Nippon In Singapore
6 Reasons to Choose Nippon Over Dulux Paint
There are many popular paint brands that are available today. You can find two main brands in Singapore these days. These two popular brands are Nippon and Dulux. Each brand has its benefits and features for all customers. When you want to choose the best paint for your property, you can consider using Nippon.
There are some good reasons why you need to select Nippon over Dulux paint these days. Nippon has some useful benefits for all customers, especially those who want to complete their painting projects easily. Here are some good reasons why you need to choose Nippon paint.
1. Many color options
This is the main reason why you need to select this Nippon paint today. This brand has some recommended color options that you can choose easily. When you plan to have good flexibility, especially when you paint your properties, such as residential, apartment, and also commercial buildings.
Nippon is supported by its professional development team members. This company also has some reliable product developers who can create many types of color options that are available today.
2. Affordable price
When you only have a small and limited budget for painting your property, you can consider using Nippon paint. This brand has some special products that are created for people with a small budget. There are some high-quality products that are sold at a very reasonable price.
Because of this affordable price, many people are interested with this reliable paint brand. Most Nippon paints also have a thin surface, so they can be applied on your wall easily. This situation can reduce the overall cost of your painting process.
3. Durable paint
This is another benefit of the Nippon paint. This brand is well-known for its durable and high-quality paints. Most products are made from durable materials, so you can rely on their quality. You should be able to use your Nippon paints for a long period of time.
When you want to improve the overall appearance of your properties, such as a condo, apartment, home, office building, and some other areas, you should consider using this Nippon paint today. Most products from Nippon are made from strong materials, so they can be attached to the surface completely.
4. Protect your floor and wall completely
It is recommended that you take care of your floor and wall surface completely. When you want to avoid getting any other serious problems with your floor and wall, you can consider using this Nippon brand. Most products from Nippon are made from strong materials and thick layers. As a result, you can protect your floor and wall completely when you are using any of your favorite Nippon paints today.
5. Free from any dangerous substances
This is another good reason why you need to choose Nippon over Delux paint. Nippon brand is very well-known for its safety products. This brand is famous for its zero volatile organic compounds (VOC) in its products. It means that you can eliminate this substance from your daily life easily.
Most Nippon products are also free from any dangerous substances and heavy metal ingredients. When you want to choose the best paint that is safe for you and your families, you can consider using Nippon as your favorite brand.
6. Can be found in many stores today
When you want to complete your painting process, you can start your painting progress today. You can find some painting supplies, such as paints brushes, and many other tools on the market easily. Nippon brand is highly available in many retailers today. Some stores don’t have a lot of Dulux painting products for their customers. Therefore, you should be able to find any Nippon products from your favorite store easily. Nippon products are widely available in Singapore these days.
They are some good reasons why you have to choose this painting brand today. Nippon can be a perfect option for you who want to improve your property appearance. There are many good benefits from this brand. Nippon Paint is still developing its company, in order to meet everyone’s needs and preferences. Many painting consultants, designers, and also other people also recommend the use of Nippon Paint for their own clients. There are many other benefits that you can enjoy from this brand and all available products.